Happy Fourth of July!
Hello fairies!
This week we made fairies to celebrate the Fourth of July. They are so festive and fun!
We were inspired by carnations in the craft store with red, white, and blue petals. We found great supplies with my Christmas collection of pipe cleaners, sequins, and sparkly threads. We realized that pompoms make perfect fireworks :)
So we sewed the design of the Leprechaun Hat with a long top (layered with another color). We tucked the pompom inside. Magic :)
Ian made a boy that had Fireworks Power. The blue thread going down his arm is how he shares his power to make fireworks.
And he wanted an orange face. This boy loves orange (he has a collection of All Things Orange by his bed).
We have a big party today (it's my birthday!) so I better go decorate :)
Enjoy the holiday! Happy Fourth of July! Happy Fairy Crafting!
This year brings so much gratitude. We are thankful for our book and sharing our book.
We are thankful for seeing our crafts made around the world.
We are thankful for the photos of fairies and owls and critters sewn by children (and adults).
We are thankful for activities. We loved hearing about the scavenger hunt with hidden fairies.
And giveaways. We are thankful for great reviews (so many!). Thank you thank you!
We are thankful for supportive friends. And family. And new friends! We meet so many lovely people into the forest. We appreciate you.
We are thankful for creative children. And creative grown-ups.
We are thankful for our agent and the wonderful people at C&T Publishing who helped make our ideas into a beautiful book.
We are thankful for the bloggers who post reviews and projects. We love the photos of your crafts!
We are grateful for our community.
We are so grateful for our children. Thank you, Anika, for staging these scenes with me yesterday with the fairies!
We are thankful for dreams, because the Forest started as a dream. We are thankful for dreamers.
And we are thankful for magic. The magic of turning felt and ribbons into little treasured stories. The magic of spending time together making cute things.
The magic that makes me smile. Every time. Every time the glue dries, I hold the finished craft. And I smile. So thankful.
We are grateful for good health. Asia and I have both had challenges in our families this year (better now) that remind us how this time together is so very precious. We are grateful for good mornings. And afternoons. And evenings.
I asked my girl and her first answer was Family. Grateful for family. Love and acceptance and growing together.
And of course we are grateful for you. For your reading. And your crafting. And your support of our little journey. You make this possible. And we appreciate you each and every day.
Thank you!
Wishing you a delightful day!
Christmas Card Giveaway
I just took photos for this year's holiday card and I can't help but share :)
Introducing the Christmas Tree Fairy! She shines in the forest.
Last year, I made special peppermint fairies in honor of my daughter dancing as a peppermint in the Nutcracker.
They appeared on a forest-fairy holiday card.
This year I chose a Christmas Tree Fairy. Just because.
Now I need to get busy making the cards :)
I would love to send one to you or a child in your world! These good wishes from the forest will be fun to open in the mail!The fairies love to share happy cheer!
I will pick two comments from below to receive a limited edition holiday card from the forest. We can send to your address or a different address of your choosing. The contest closes on December 1. We have a super-fancy surpise planned for December 2 so check back Tuesday. We love giving magic!
I will contact you through email, so be sure to leave that for me. I hope this week finds you enjoying family and the sparkle of the season!
Terms and conditions: Entries are free. International entries are accepted. Contest ends on December 1 at midnight Pacific Time. All comments are appreciated :) Peace and joy!
Thank you for the lovely comments! It's too hard to pick two, so I am working on a way to send more cards. Stay tuned :)
Happy Halloween!
We send lovely Halloween wishes to your part of the forest (even if you have lots of building around you)!
Asia made these witches with second grade students at the Nevada City School of the Arts (about 7 years old). They were inspired by the felted beads, which became perfect fairy-heads! Students brought them home today and I am sure they will inspire lots of spooky-wonderful-magic!
I fall in love with the little things. For these witches, Asia gave them a little tulle cape. She found darling tiny bats and they hang from each hat.
I wonder if I could sneak into the second grade class just to make my own :)
We hope that everyone is enjoying a safe and magical Halloween! Enjoy!
Love Fairy
Happy Valentine's from the Forest! I used hearts for her, of course. Her wings and hat are both heart-shaped, and she needed a little heart button on her hat. She also wears sparkly beads and a bell, because every fairy needs to sparkle and chime :)
I was going to post her in our Etsy shop, but I don't think my daughter will let her leave our seasonal table-display. So I suppose I should visit the Forest again and find more Love Fairies to bring back for you :)
The disigns that inspired her will soon be available in our book (I love writing that :)). The Love Fairy is part of our collection. We received hard copies of book pages this week to proofread and they look beautiful. So exciting to see our little ideas looking so lovely :).
Here she is sitting down amongst the flowers and butterflies.
Wishing you a lovely week!