Duct Tape Clothes for American Girl Dolls
My twelve year old daughter challenged herself to create outfits for her dolls using duct tape.
These long rainy days become an opportunity for new creative projects. My daughter found me last week with a Big Idea. “I am going to make clothes for my dolls,” she announced.
“Oh, good,” I said. “You know where to find your fabric?”
She has her a shoebox size collection of her own fabric, which she can use for any project that strikes her fancy. “I don’t need fabric,” she said. “I’m using duct tape.”
It wasn’t such an unusual proclamation. She received new rolls of duct tape for the holidays after she made wallets and complex flowers. Still, I wasn’t quite sure how duct tape doll clothing would happen.
So began her adventure. She loved that she could create without worrying about frayed edges. She used her flower petal technique to make the triangles for her dress. She really enjoyed the duct tape because she didn’t have to worry about fraying fabric.
She tried a few different ideas, especially with how to put the clothes on and off the dolls. Even though they look form fitting, they can be changed. She tested ideas. Learned new pointers by browsing Pinterest. And one idea led to another. She could make shoes. And add fabric (tulle). Now she’s working on a backpack.
She made the fireworks pattern on the tank top by cutting thin strips of tape. She needed her own textile. Fancy that.
Her favorite things that she learned were using tinfoil to help shape the shoes, and it’s harder to make skirts than dresses, because the dolls are tougher to fit for skirts. And that clothes designing with duct tape is fun!
PS- All of her clothes are lined so tape isn’t touching the dolls. She used a rotary cutter with a scallop blade for the wavy effect on the skirt. I hope she inspires you or inspires kids in your world! And, just for the future, Anika is 12 years old. She loves creating!
If you are interested in more detailed instructions for her clothing, let me know. I may be able to inspire Anika to create a tutorial!